
best traffic attorney

3 Points on Your Driving Record Can Increase Insurance by How Much?

If points on your clean driving record sound like a foreign language that you don’t understand, then allow us to break it down for you. Points are given out by law enforcement officers and traffic courts when drivers get in accidents or commit other traffic violations while they’re behind the wheel. The points stay on your license until you pay them off, which can take up to three years. When points accumulate, insurance rates go up and that’s not something anyone wants! In this blog post, we’ll discuss how much insurance can increase with 3 points on your traffic record.

It is important to note that insurance companies look at a number of factors when determining what you will pay for car insurance, including but not limited to: age, gender, vehicle type, and where you live. These can all contribute to your insurance premiums as well as how “clean” driving record is. Check out our other article ” What do insurance companies look for when paying car insurance ” after reading!

Best Traffic Ticket Lawyers

First, what are some common traffic tickets that come with 3 points on your traffic record?

  • Speeding 11+ miles per hour over the speed limit. This comes with a $200 traffic violation ticket and will raise your insurance by 18%.
  • Failure to yield right of way (when you’re turning left). This will come with points if you cause an accident. It raises insurance by an average of 16%.
  • Following too closely. This is when you get stuck behind a slow driver and can’t stop in time before rear-ending them, points on your license raises insurance by 13%.
  • Running a stop sign. Failure to stop at a stop sign is one of the most common causes of automobile accidents.
  • Failure to stop for a school bus or a school crossing. These are considered civil infractions and can result in a hefty fine.

These are just some of the traffic tickets that come with points on your traffic record! It is important to note that these types of tickets and points can cause some serious issues for your insurance rates and it is best to handle them as soon as possible. Depending on your state, auto insurance rates can increase on average anywhere between 10-40% when points are added to your traffic record. It is important to note that your insurance can eventually go back to your original rate if you have a traffic ticket lawyer take on your case. With Tikkit, there are three easy steps to remove points from your record:

  1. Upload your traffic ticket information to the Tikkit app.
  2. You will be assigned a lawyer to overlook your case.
  3. Sit back and relax as we handle your case.

P.S. with Tikkit you are guaranteed a 99% success rate towards the removal of points from your record! To learn more about the Tikkit process, click the link “How Tikkit Works”. Be sure to follow us on instagram @MyTikkit and visit our site for more information!

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