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How to Remove Points from Your Driving Record in Michigan

Clean Driving Record

How to Remove Points from Your clean Driving Record in Michigan? Are you a new resident of Michigan who has no idea about the road system or traffic regulations? You’ve come to the perfect spot. It’s easy to understand why you may have questions after getting a traffic ticket.

It’s crucial to understand what the point system is and how it functions before proceeding with ways to remove points from your driver’s traffic record in Michigan. You’re probably wondering whether these points will negatively affect you or not. It’s time to address all of your concerns.

What Are Points?

Each time you are caught in a traffic violation, you will be fined heavily, and at times, you may receive points on your driving record that can jeopardize your license and insurance rates. These points may result in difficulties with your clean driving record if they are not promptly addressed. These points might be completely removed, leaving no trace behind, but at times they may remain on your record for quite some time.

Each violation or misdemeanor in the Michigan Vehicle Code has a point value. These points may remain on your traffic record for up to two years. Even if you get your moving traffic violation points deleted, they will appear on your traffic record for 7 to 10 years. These points might lead to the cancellation, restriction, or even suspension of your driver’s license.

How Does the Point System Work in Michigan to Remove Points from Your Clean Driving Record in Michigan?

According to this method, if you are convicted of any driving infraction, you will be fined a specific amount. Every time you commit a traffic violation, it is worth a certain number of points that will be assigned to you by the Michigan Vehicle Code. These points remain on your traffic record for two years from the date of conviction. 

How to Remove Points from Driving License in Michigan?

Points may be removed from your traffic record with permission from the Michigan Secretary of States upon meeting the following criteria:

  1. There are less than 2 points on your traffic record
  2. Your license is not suspended
  3. Your traffic ticket has worth 3 points or less
  4. You do not possess a non-commercial driving license
  5. The traffic ticket you have received is a non-criminal ticket

Process of Receiving Permission from Michigan Secretary of States

To submit a request to the Michigan Secretary of State, your lawyer will have to file a document known as a ‘Motion.’ This is where traffic tickets are generated. You can file a motion for reconsideration before the court to request specific relief in points. You are essentially asking the court to set aside your conviction and re-open the case through this action. The court will schedule a hearing on your case if your motion is granted. You do not have to appear in person at the hearing; your lawyer can do so for you. Your attorney will request that the ticket be revisited in front of the prosecutor and city officer. If both parties agree, a plea bargain may be reached where the original charges are changed.

Remember that some traffic incidents are not abstracting, which means they aren’t reported to the Michigan Secretary of State. These non-abstracting events make it easier to remove points from your driving record by requesting permission from the secretary of state.

Non-moving violations that include car blocking, double parking, etc., lie in the category of non-abstracting, and in such cases, the court can originate a new agreement by dismissing the original ticket. In this case, the court can remove the original ticket along with the points if there are fewer than two points presented. 


To know how many points you have, you can visit the office of the secretary of state. We hope this article addressed all of your concerns regarding removing points from your driving license in Michigan. It’s always important to ask a lawyer for help if you are unsure about your driving record!

Get in touch with Tikkit right now to get points off your Michigan driving record as soon as possible. Download our app, Tikkit, in the App Store and Google play store! Follow us for more on Instagram and Facebook.

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